[Free Download] Todd Valentine – Verbal Game Academy

Todd Valentine - Verbal Game Academy

In this video I go into detail about my thoughts on the process of getting better at cold approach and attracting women. There's been a huge focus over the years on actual "game" rather than what truly creates attraction. Is it the words you say or is it the person you are. If you look at the majority of attractive males, they do not change what they say exactly, they are who they are. It isn't the words, its the feeling behind the words and the person saying it.

What are these words conveying. The best way to get your words to convey attraction to the woman is by filtering it through a mind that has harvested confidence. Confidence in approach comes from approaching and from socializing, that is something you must engage in over and over and it can be enjoyable. But for the 2 hours of social engagement you're putting in. There's at least 10 hours of self development and crafting of who you are as a person. Words are the surface, what is beneath the surface?

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  1. Sela 3 years ago
    • redskull 3 years ago
  2. django billay 3 years ago
  3. Pike 2 years ago
    • redskull 2 years ago

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