Tom Kenyon – Ultimate Brain
Is it possible to improve your brain capacity, intelligence, and creativity with sound technology? An ever-increasing body of scientific evidence suggests that it is. Tom Kenyon, founder of the Acoustic Brain Research Center and one of the foremost figures in the field of psychoacoustics, now brings together eight tested and verified sound programs to let listeners develop The Ultimate Brain. With over nine hours of active, passive, and ambient brain-wave entrainment tracks, this program features: Sessions to activate the "holographic brain"a state of maximum communication between the left and right brain for enriched creativity and awareness Harnessing sound for emotional development, relaxation, and opening the heart "Mind Gymnastiks"active guided imagery and brain-wave entrainment exercises to boost mental energy, clarity, and cognitive ability An audio users guide to help listeners develop their own sustained psychoacoustic practice and create lasting, positive improvements.
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