Sophia's - Unbreakable
What if any type of negative, judgemental and critical remark just made you stronger and more confident? What if you were invulnerable to the fear of being judged? What if you were invulnerable to the fear of being rejected and invulnerable to the fear of being criticized? What if each and every day your self image and confidence became so strong that negative feedback or ridicule made you tougher, stronger, more powerful than ever? What if you literally became "unbreakable" and invulnerable to any type of negativity from society, friends, or family that would prevent you from accomplishing and being the best version of yourself? Imagine what it would be like walking through the world unafraid of rejection and knowing that the power within yourself has turned you into an unbreakable warrior? Now you are getting a glimpse of what this MP3 is designed to do for you...
What is included in the download?
Instant download of Sophia's Unbreakable You with white noise and Schumann resonance
Instant download of Sophia's Unbreakable You with meadow music and Schumann resonance
What is the best way to maximize effectiveness?
Listen before you go to bed, at least once a day for 3 weeks. Most people say results happen within the first week.
What is the expected outcome?
1. You will find that you no longer fear rejection, criticism, or judgement from anyone no matter who it is.
2. You will find that any type of negativity from anyone will just make you stronger, more centered, more focused.
3. You will find that your confidence and self love will heal you and shield you from the "what will people think" syndrome.
4. You will find that everything just becomes instantly clear to you as you embrace self love and transform into the best version of you.
5. You will find that you become unbreakable and nothing will deter you from your vision, dreams, or confidence.
6. No matter what anyone says to you, your spirit will not break!
7. You will notice these changes in as little as 10 days.
What commitment do you have to make?
Listen to this MP3 once a day before you go to bed so you can fall asleep listening. Most people say results happen in the first week. However, you will need to listen each night for 21 days in a row to ensure success. It is VITAL that you use a high quality pair of ear buds or headphones. Cheap three-dollar ear buds or headphones are not capable of capturing all the isochronal tones and subliminals. Keep in mind that this is a subliminal, so you will not be able to hear anything being said. It is designed this way to bypass your conscious mind.
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