Sophia - Tropical Erotica For Men
You wake up to find yourself on a beach, naked, warm open and free. You find yourself ready and open for a new experience that will excite you and bring you pleasure in ways you have always desired and imagined. You feel a lips and touch of a beautiful lover connecting with you in all the ways that really turn you on and then your pleasure begins...
What do you Get?
Instant download of isochronal hypnosis mp3 laced with subliminals - 40 minutes long
DVD Access shipped to you as well if you would like.
What’s the best way to maximize effectiveness?
The program is structured so you Listen to one mp3 once a day before you go to bed. You can also isten at a time you are relaxed and free of distractions.
What is the expected outcome?
This mp3 brings back Sophia, the hypnotist from 5 Minute Male Orgasm experience and The Elemental. What makes this mp3 unique is that it opens with you being on the beach, followed by a 5 minute long isochronic / binaural induction. In other words you will experience a non verbal induction, so you don't need to do anything but let your mind wander as the isochronal beats bring you into a deep theta state. After that 5 minute induction she will bring you back to the beach where you will meet you dream lover and enjoy and erotic 25 minute vacation from your troubles.
What commitment do you have to make?
listen to one mp3 at least once a day for 2 weeks. Most people report experiencing results within the first week. If you've never been hypnotized before it may take up to 3 weeks of listening once a day. It is recommend that you lay down and use a good pair of head phones while listening to this mp3.
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