RSD Madison's BOSS
Hi, this is Madison,
It all started about 10 years ago with “The Game”. I picked up that book and my whole world changed. It ignited a fire and a passion in me to learn absolutely everything there is to know about GAME. Every night out, every epic pull, every stunner, every hilarious joke, and even every failure made me feel ALIVE.
My first steps along this path were marked with a lot of pain.
I was introverted, reserved, and all-around had issues with socializing and making friends. I moved around a lot, and - I was always picked on. I always felt weird, isolated, and out of the group - The more I tried to make friends, the worse it got.
The first girl I liked slapped me in the face, the first girl I approached gave me a fake number, and the first girlfriend I had wouldn’t even have sex with me.
The friends I was surrounded with started ignoring me, I ended up feeling left out, and getting pushed deeper and deeper inside my own head.
When I finally started going out - I spent my first 2 years of going out… ALONE.
I faced rejection on top of rejection on top of rejection - it was depressing.
I got used to the pain - I started from such a low place - the rejection was better than nothing.
Regardless of the struggle, I kept going. The reason was - I had a big “WHY”... I HAD NO OTHER CHOICE.
I couldn’t turn around, because I had nothing to go back to.
All I wanted was to be accepted, to feel loved, to be able to connect with those around me and to make real friends.
I went out, night after night, pushing harder and harder and harder.
Then, after countless night of going out… I finally got a girlfriend.
The thing was, even though I “had a girlfriend”, she wouldn’t have sex with me!
It was probably the saddest thing you’ve ever seen, but that was my reality.
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