Overcome Approach Anxiety For Men 4G
This program, built at the request of one of my customers, is designed to allow the user to overcome and eliminate approach anxiety. This new 4th Gen version is designed to not just eliminate approach anxiety for men towards women they find attractive, but replace it with the natural, comfortable, automatic response of simply walking up to women you find attractive, in any situation and any location, and effortlessly starting mutually interesting and enjoyable conversations with them. However, this program does not direct you in how you steer those conversations, making it suitable for expanding your social life, meeting your next girlfriend or helping you seduce women you find attractive, at your choice.
What is approach anxiety? It is the anxiety many men feel when they attempt to approach and talk to a woman they find attractive. You know the feeling. For some of us it’s a cold sinking feeling of dread, for others it produces cold sweaty palms and even physical shakes. Regardless of how it manifests for you, it prevents you from achieving your goals.
This program works by disconnecting approach anxiety where it begins — your subconscious mind — and replacing it with a calm, relaxed and fully automated response that when you see a woman you find attractive you approach her with something interesting to say automatically and effortlessly without any anxiety at all, and then extends that to being able to maintain a mutually enjoyable conversation.
It also helps you disconnect from rejection, by removing your emotions from the equation if rejection happens. The result is that in those cases where you approach and are rejected, you simply find someone else to talk to, without taking it personally or suffering any emotional upset.
In testing, this program performed surprisingly well – surprisingly because it works so automatically that I didn’t even realize it was working until I had been approaching and talking to attractive women for a few days!
The 4th Generation Version now includes the entire script of Overcoming Guilt, Shame & Fear! Please do not use this program with “Overcoming Fear” or “Overcoming Guilt, Shame and Fear”, as these will unbalance the script focus.
If I am male, I now actively and intentionally overcome approach anxiety and in all situations, circumstances and locations, and as a result, I now comfortably approach women I find attractive, in any situation or location, to initiate and maintain mutually enjoyable conversations with them.
If I am male, I can now easily and comfortably approach women I find attractive in any situation or location, and successfully start and maintain mutually enjoyable conversations with them, and I do.
If I am male, the more attractive a woman is to me, the easier it is for me to approach her and start a mutually enjoyable conversation with her, regardless of the location or circumstances.
If I am male, I am now totally confident in myself and my ability to effortlessly approach beautiful women and start and maintain mutually interesting conversations with them, regardless of the location or circumstances.
If I am male, regardless of the location or circumstances, I now effortlessly approach and talk to women I find attractive, and hold mutually interesting and enjoyable conversations with them.
If I am male, regardless of the circumstances or location, I now effortlessly have something interesting to say to women I am approaching and starting a conversation with.
If I am male, regardless of the location or circumstances, I now effortlessly approach beautiful women and calmly start and maintain mutually interesting and enjoyable conversations with them.
If I am male, regardless of the situation or location, I am now completely free of any and all anxiety.
If I am male, regardless of the situation or location, I am now completely free of any and all approach anxiety.
If I am male, regardless of the situation or location, I know that when I am approaching a woman, I am doing her the favor of making her day more interesting in a positive way.
If I am male, regardless of the situation or location, I know that attractive women want to meet me, because I am a great guy.
If I am male, regardless of the situation or location, the more attractive a woman is to me, the more she needs to meet me.
If I am male, I know that every attractive woman I encounter is attracted to me, so regardless of the situation or location, it is easy for me to approach them and start a mutually interesting and enjoyable conversation with them.
If I am male, It is now extremely easy for me to approach beautiful women and start an interesting conversation with them.
If I am male, I know am an interesting man, and regardless of the situation or location, beautiful women definitely always want to meet me.
If I am male, regardless of the situation or location, I now effortlessly approach beautiful women and start and maintain interesting, mutually enjoyable conversations with them.
If I am male, regardless of the situation or location, approaching beautiful women is so easy for me that it is completely automatic for me to do.
If I am male, regardless of the situation or location, I now and always completely succeed at approaching beautiful women and starting conversations with them.
If I am male, regardless of the situation or location, I now effortlessly respond to rejection with detached aloof amusement, and am completely unaffected by it emotionally.
If I am male, and if a woman rejects me, regardless of the situation or location, I now effortlessly disconnect from her emotionally, and remain completely calm and unaffected by it.
If I am male, and if a woman rejects my approach, I calmly and politely walk away and find someone else to talk to without being affected by her rejection.
If I am male, I am always polite to, playful with and respectful of the women I approach and talk to.
If I am male, regardless of the location or circumstances, it is now normal and natural for me to calmly, casually, comfortably and successfully approach and initiate mutually interesting and enjoyable conversation with women I find attractive.
If I am male, I now understand and act upon the fact that all women, regardless of how attractive they are, are just people like me and everyone else.
If I am male, Since women, regardless of how attractive they are, are just people like everyone else, I am comfortable around women of any level of beauty just like I am comfortable around everyone else.
If I am male, regardless of the situation or circumstances, I now know that it is completely safe for me to casually approach and initiate mutually interesting and enjoyable conversations with women I find attractive, so I do.
If I am male, I am now completely unaffected by and unconcerned with rejection from anyone.
If I am male, I am now completely unconcerned with and unaffected by what other people think of me.
If I am male, I now and always automatically know exactly what to do and say to successfully achieve my goals with meeting, approaching and starting mutually interesting and enjoyable conversations with women I find attractive.
If I am male, I now believe in myself.
If I am male, I now know that it is possible to walk up to any woman in any situation and start a conversation that works for me and helps me successfully achieve my goals with her.
If I am male, I am now completely comfortable approaching and starting interesting and mutually enjoyable conversations with women I find attractive, regardless of whether it would bother, offend, or upset her or her friends.
If I am male, It is now completely normal, comfortable and natural for me to walk up to any woman in any situation and start a mutually interesting and enjoyable conversation with her, so I do.
If I am male, I am now increasing and improving my self confidence all the time.
If I am male, My self image is now very strong and positive, and becoming stronger and more positive all the time.
If I am male, I feel better and better about myself every day.
If I am male, It is completely unimportant what happens as a result of me walking up to any woman in any situation and starting a conversation with her.
If I am male, I now enjoy casually and playfully socializing with women I find attractive, so I do.
If I am male, I am now casually, playfully and happily enthusiastic when talking to women I find attractive.
If I am male, I now and always have a great time doing whatever I’m doing, and I express that through my speech, body language, actions and attitude whenever I am around women I find attractive.
If I am male, I now and always have fun playfully teasing women I find attractive.
If I am male, I now make myself entertaining to others without putting myself down in any way.
If I am male, I now believe that everyone should be having fun at all times, so I do what I need to do to make that happen in all locations, circumstances and social situations.
If I am male, I now make myself the life of the party.
If I am male, I now make approaching women to enjoy conversation with them fun for myself and for her.
I now focus the unlimited power of my subconscious mind upon completely letting go of, rejecting, releasing, disconnecting from, dissolving, utterly destroying and overcoming all fear, shame and guilt within me.
I now let go of, reject, release, disconnect from, dissolve and utterly destroy any and all fears within me, and immediately replace them with unlimited love, joy, gratitude and happiness. Let them go. Let them go. let them go. Yes. I let them go.
I now let go of, reject, release, disconnect from, dissolve and utterly destroy any and all feelings of shame within me, and immediately replace them with unlimited love, joy, gratitude and happiness. Let them go. Let them go. let them go. Yes. I let them go.
I now let go of, reject, release, disconnect from, dissolve and utterly destroy any and all feelings of guilt within me, and immediately replace them with unlimited love, joy, gratitude and happiness. Let them go. Let them go. let them go. Yes. I let them go.
I am now and forever completely free of any and all feelings of fear, and filled instead with unlimited love, joy, gratitude and happiness.
I am now and forever completely free of any and all feelings of guilt, and filled instead with unlimited love, joy, gratitude and happiness.
I am now and forever completely free of any and all feelings of shame, and filled instead with unlimited love, joy, gratitude and happiness.
I now forgive myself for anything and everything that created or maintained fear within me in the past, and I let go of it.
I now forgive myself for anything and everything that created or maintained guilt within me in the past, and I let go of it.
I now forgive myself for anything and everything that created or maintained shame within me in the past, and I let go of it.
I now give myself complete, permanent, unlimited permission to disconnect from any and all guilt, internally and externally, and I do exactly that.
I now give myself complete, permanent, unlimited permission to disconnect from any and all shame, internally and externally, and I do exactly that.
I now completely reject guilt, shame and fear.
I now make myself immune to guilt, shame and fear.
I now refuse to be controlled by, influenced by or manipulated with, by or through guilt, shame or fear.
I now let go of, reject, release, disconnect from, dissolve and utterly destroy any need, want or desire to have permission from anyone else to now let go of, reject, release, disconnect from, dissolve and utterly destroy guilt shame or fear, and replace it with my own absolute, permanent, unlimited permission to now let go of, reject, release, disconnect from, dissolve and utterly destroy any and all guilt shame or fear, which I now do.
I now choose to live absolutely free from any and all guilt, shame and fear, internally and externally, so I do exactly that.
I now choose to listen to this program every day for as long as necessary, until I am completely and permanently free from any and all feelings of guilt, shame and fear.
I use all my skills, abilities, resources and energy to let go of, reject, release, disconnect from, dissolve and utterly destroy any and all guilt shame or fear.
I am determined to let go of, reject, release, disconnect from, dissolve and utterly destroy any and all guilt shame or fear, and I do.
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