Michael Breen – NLP Language Guru – Mastering The MetaModel
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“Introducing The ULTIMATE Home Study Course Ever Created On The NLP meta Model…
Discover How To Expertly Use NLP’s Leading Language & Thinking Models To Eliminate Client’s Problems, Transform Limitations And Create Ridiculously Effective Coaching & Consultancy Solutions Quickly, Easily, Conversationally And Entirely RISK FREE…”
“Why Mastering The meta Model Is One Of The Most Useful Skills You Can Ever Learn In The WHOLE of NLP”
Becoming really skillful with the NLP meta Model lies at the heart of becoming really good with NLP. It is used extensively by every really good trainer and practitioner of NLP to get to results fast.
In fact if there is one tool that supercedes just about all the rest, in terms of immediate real world advantage and ease of use then the meta Model would have to be it.
When you know the meta Model really well, it can accelerate your skills with the rest of the technology such as mastering Strategies, Slight of Mouth, Sub-modalities and a whole lot more.
Yet the unfortunate TRUTH is many people who learn NLP rarely develop great skill with the meta Model.
Yet when you learn the two EXPERT models thoughts in this training program you can rapidly get to the heart of your client’s issue and have the tools to transform seemingly stuck problems quickly.
When you are working on making changes for yourself or helping others you will always have one of the most powerful tools ever created to cut through limitations, misperceptions and limiting beliefs AND best of all you will be able to do this entirely conversationally.
Yet the meta Model has many, many uses.
Yet the Meta Model has many, many uses.
Such as:
- Being an excellent tool for persuasion and influence
- Helping you quickly transform people’s maps and models about any context (not just therapeutic ones)
- Becoming an expert planner and problem solver
- Become a better consultant and communicator
- Be an expert coach, manager, analyst, hypnotist, parent
- Eliciting high quality information (for engineering contexts for example or anywhere else where clear communication and the avoidance of ms-understandings is a must)
- Doing trance work (yes you heard that correctly)
- Changing beliefs
- Installing strategies
- Interrupting, changing and amplifying states
- Become an expert trainer and facilitator
- Designing and planning a new business venture
- Using it as a tool for spiritual development
- Become your own guru, change agent, expert
- Etc. etc.
The list is potentially endless.
Yet the sad situation is most people simply don’t know. But it doesn’t need to be that way…
That is why I say that really mastering the Meta Model is one of the most rewarding and useful skills you can learn from the entire domain of NLP no matter what you do or aspire to be in your life.
The application of the two tools you will learn in this program is nearly endless.
Yet very few students who learn the Meta Model are aware or use the Meta Model in such a wide variety of contexts and applications.
This raises a good question…
“Just Why Do So Many Students Fail To Get Great Results?”
Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have studied the Meta Model, yet not everyone gets great results. Why?
Here are the three most common pitfalls you need to know about.
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