Marisa Peer - I am Enough
A few days ago one of my friends and colleagues posted a picture on Facebook of a beautiful bouquet of flowers her husband had given her with my simple, yet powerful message: I Am Enough.
Michelle Holmes, a web entrepreneur who interviewed me just a few weeks ago for her Online Rockstars Summit, is one of the growing number of people that have seen my talk: “How to Mastermind Your Life in 4 Easy Steps.”
In my three decades as a therapist, after writing award-winning books, columns and delivering an extensive range of motivational talks, I’ve discovered that the root of so many modern problems — smoking, excessive drinking, compulsive shopping, depression, and overeating — come right back to a need to fill the inner emptiness of not feeling “enough” with external things.
I’m a big fan of simple, easy steps and actions that have huge effects and nothing is more effective or easy than the repetition of this powerful affirmation. My life-changing talk explains why you are enough already, and the only person that can reject you is yourself.
Michelle says this simple axiom is now her personal mantra, which makes me so happy. You can make it yours too — quite literally right now. Say it to yourself in the shower, when you’re brushing your teeth, in traffic, in your head when in line. Michelle will tell you—it works! I AM ENOUGH!
Positive Affirmation
The repetition of a simple phrase over and over (both out loud and in your head) will eventually make it difficult for your mind to object to it. This is a trick I have encouraged my clients to use for years.
The more you tell yourself you are enough, the more you’ll believe it. It sounds so utterly simple—and it is— and all you need is the commitment to do it and the belief that it will work.
I designed a programme to help you feel better, happier and consistently more confident every day. You may just love the results so much that you will find yourself saying every day “Marisa Peer, I am enough!”
With the range of audio albums, you can learn to naturally regenerate high self-esteem, high self worth and inner-confidence; a confidence that will radiate from within.
Overcoming Negative Thoughts
Whether you are suffering from anxiety, depression, poor self esteem, weight or simply feeling low about yourself – I want you to be comfortable in your own skin and will do everything to ensure you are able to say ‘Marisa Peer, I am enough’ at the end of the audios.
These audios can help you work on your confidence day-by-day on an easy to use, interactive platform. The portability of a mobile audio is ideal for the moments where you want to remind yourself of how far you’ve come and the progress you are making every day. You can use the app whenever and wherever, and be constantly reminded of the value you hold within.
My self-confidence hypnotherapy can change your mindset by implanting suggestions directly to your subconscious mind. This improves your confidence and self-esteem, by helping the mind accept various language patterns which promote your value as an individual.
Since no baby is born lacking confidence you are simply rewiring yourself to reactivate and regenerate the inner confidence you were born with. Refocus your mind on you and your own abilities and self-worth, and allow you to be the best version of YOU you can be.
For more simple, yet life altering, techniques, like ‘I am enough‘ to improve your confidence and outlook on life, read my best-selling book Ultimate Confidence or view my Personal development products.
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