Lynda Falkenstein - How To Get Niched, Get Noticed & Get Clients
Every company and individual is aware, often painfully, of how crowded and competitive their field of business has become. It's not enough to be just the first nor even the best: no single company can own a good idea for too long because eventually someone else will find out that they, too, can make money by offering the same thing. Now everyone from one-person business-owners to heads of Fortune 500 companies are asking themselves, "How can I continue to stand out from the competition in the midst of all this change?"
In this completely updated, newest edition of her internationally acclaimed book, Nichecraft: Using Your Specialness to Focus Your Business, Corner Your Market, and Make Customers Seek You Out, Dr. Lynda C. Falkenstein has provided an answer for anyone who has something to sell. Dr. Falkenstein explains the theory and strategies of nichecrafting, and why, in a climate of razor sharp competition, the pursuit of excellence is simply not enough. The only goal worth pursuing is making yourself and your product perceived as special.
Nichecraft, however, is more than just a description of yet another theory on how to build a successful business: it is a step-by-step practical guide to putting into practice what Falkenstein preaches. Nichecraft transcends its field, just as she teaches the reader to do, by offering far more than a summary of nichecrafting and showing examples of how others have successfully put her strategy to use. She provides a simple-to-follow, nine-step blueprint for identifying and developing a niche and using it to sell your product or service. The hands-on approach is emphasized with worksheets and exercises to help readers develop their nichecrafting abilities.
While incorporating the best of her first edition, this millennium edition Nichecraft includes an entirely new chapter titled "Making Your Niche Rich on the Net." Here Dr. Falkenstein offers even more practical tips how to use the internet as a strategic tool in defining and making a lucrative niche.
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