Brian Scott (The Reality Revolution) - The Aura Program
Design Your Reality
And Live The Life of Your Dreams
The exact blueprint to living the life of your dreams...
...by learning the skills to design your own reality and live your best life
If there were a clear, actionable way to take control of your reality WITHOUT having to sacrifice everything you hold dear...
...would you feel confident to show up in your own thoughts and dreams?
You see even though many people know the importance of living a well balanced life...
They believe that the world is random and they do not have control over their own reality.
When actually, the life of purpose, passion and success that you dream of ...is out there waiting for YOU to take action and seize it.
The AURA Program
Over the past 10 years I've gone from relying on the randomness of the universe to consistently designing and creating the my dream life - and now I want to help you do the same
So I’m handing over the step-by-step system I used to get there... to you.
What's Inside the AURA Program?
AURA Phase One
Alternate Universe Reality Activation
Is alternate universe reality activation which is finding the reality in which you want to experience
AURA Phase Two
Alternate Universe Reality Actualization
This is designed to take the reality that you’ve activated and then actualize it into three dimensional reality it is a two-step process this is the all important second step
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