Christie Marie Sheldon - Unlimited Abundance
If abundance is an inner game, are you playing it right? Do you already know which of the 24 Abundance Blocks are blocking your success with money? Or do you just know something needs to change, so you can start earning and achieving what you’re truly worth?
Whatever stage you’re at in your wealth journey, the Unlimited Abundance LIVE experience is the single most powerful and personal way to break free from your Abundance Blocks – with the help of Christie Marie Sheldon’s remarkable energy clearing gift (and her infectious laugh).
Once a month for 12 months, you’ll join Christie and a small group of students for a live online group coaching session. Here, she’ll dive deep into your energetic essence… draw on the group’s collective energy… and instantly vanquish the Abundance Blocks silently trapping you in a holding pattern of lack, self-sabotage, unfulfilled potential, and that unmistakable feeling of being helplessly stuck.
Since the first Unlimited Abundance LIVE experience in 2011, Christie has used this platform to help over 50,000 people dramatically transform their relationship with money – and welcome the life-changing breakthroughs and opportunities that quickly follow.
Today, it’s your turn. And it all begins by understanding…
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Unable to access these, error message displayed “The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.”
Same goes for AsianEfficiency – Finisher’s Fastlane
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Download it in another path. You have too many folders inside each other.