Deepak Chopra & Wayne Dyer - Living Beyond Miracles
Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra are two of today's most prominent names in the area of self-development and holistic health care. For decades they have delighted audiences worldwide with their books, lectures, and tapes. Living Beyond Miracles finds the two at the height of their powers, weaving together a broad range of approaches to self-realization and spiritual fulfillment. Wayne Dyer speaks first, using personal stories and references to scientific data that explore the "deep knowing" possessed by all human beings. Deepak Chopra follows, laying out his understanding of "the field of possibilities" that connects everything in the universe. After their individual talks, both men sit down and begin a historic dialogue on the hows and whys of the universe and of life itself. Together they explore such heady topics as the coexistence of opposites in the universe, the need to cultivate more love and less fear, how to move beyond the time/age gap, and much more.
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